He works part time been in school for 6 years with no thoughts about his career,
lives with his mother and wont move out of his hometown
I got a great job offer last September with great salary and career path, but the only downside its 2000 miles away and its in a smaller town. I was hoping we could do long distance and work it out. He refused to work it out with me and talk about it. He finally broke up with me two weeks ago. I accepted because I knew it was coming. I went on Facebook a three days after we broke up and saw photos of a new girlfriend. I feel so insecure and broken that he replaced me with someone else days after.
I creeped on her facebook and found out they were hanging out before him and I broke up. I feel really stressed out about it and stressed with the move across the country. I don't know how to handle all these emotions. I get anxiety attacks just thinking about moving right now because my emotional support (ex) dumped me. I'm scared that I won't find any friends and hobbies in the new city. I'm scared I wont find love again.
Please give me advice to heal through this process
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